Στο αγιάζι της ενημέρωσης Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου 2011 :
** 'Οταν οι έμποροι παιδικών ψυχών έχουν έδρα την πανίσχυρη εκκλησία μας από που τελικά να φυλαχτούμε;
* Θα επανέλθω με περισσότερα στοιχεία, αναφορές και ποινικές διώξεις που έχουν ασκηθεί σε μερικούς μόνον δυστυχώς.... από αυτούς που ανέλαβαν να κουκουλώσουν αυτά τα εγκλήματα και να εξαπατήσουν την δικαιωσύνη με σκοπό να μην αποκαλυφθούν ποτέ.
* Ελπίζω να είναι κατανοητό για ποιο λόγο θέλουν την πλήρη απομάκρυνση των παιδιών μας από τους πατεράδες των.
** Με εκτίμηση σε όλους τους αναγνώστες, Θωμάς Κανταρέλης.
** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/06/1-2011.html , Στο Διάβα μιάς μέρας 1 Ιουνίου 2011 .- (66).-
** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/06/262011.html , Η Καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Σχολιάζοντας τα Ασχολίαστα 2/6/2011 .- (49).-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/06/3-2011.html , Έργα κατασκευής Νέας Ε.Ο. Καλαμάτας -Τρίπολης Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου
** ** Έργα νέας Ε.Ο. στον κόμβο "Πουρίδα" Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος Αρφαρών 3/6/2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMV_Zn6FDcM ,
** Μεξικό: Εξερράγη το ηφαίστειο Ποποκατεπέτλ
* Το ηφαίστειο Ποποκατεπέτλ, πιου βρίσκεται 60 χιλιόμετρα νοτιανατολικά της πόλης του Μεξικού, εξερράγη την Παρασκευή, εκτινάσσοντας νέφη τέφρας σε ύψος 3 χλμ. * Εξερράγη το απόγευμα της Παρασκευής το ηφαίστειο Ποποκατεπέτλ που βρίσκεται 60 χιλιόμετρα νοτιανατολικά της πόλης του Μεξικού, εκτινάσσοντας νέφη τέφρας που έφτασαν σε ύψος τριών χιλιομέτρων.
* Οι αρχές Πολιτικής Προστασίας του Μεξικού ανέφεραν ότι η τέφρα δεν είναι επικίνδυνη για τον πληθυσμό αλλά οι πολίτες ενημερώθηκαν ότι θα πρέπει να βρίσκονται τουλάχιστον 12 χιλιόμετρα μακριά από το ηφαίστειο.
* Το ύψους 5.400 μέτρων Ποποκατεπέτλ άρχισε να εκτινάσσει τέφρα αφού νωρίτερα είχε αρχίσει να σείεται για αρκετά λεπτά, και όπως φαίνεται εάν η κατάσταση αυτή συνεχιστεί ενδέχεται η τέφρα να φτάσει μέχρι τις πόλεις Αμεκαμένα ή Πουέμπλα.
**Το ξύλο της αρκούδας στη Βουλγαρία!
* Άναψαν τα αίματα σε αγώνα παίδων στη Βουλγαρία, όταν ο γνωστός και μη εξαιρετέος Ντάνιελ Μποριμίροφ επιτέθηκε σε γονέα που διαμαρτυρόταν στον διαιτητή, με αποτέλεσμα να ξεσπάσει άγριος καυγάς. -
**Δύο εργάτες εκτέθηκαν σε ραδιενέργεια στη Φουκουσίμα
* Ραδιενεργή ακτινοβολία ανώτερη από το όριο των 250 μιλισιβέρτ ετησίως δέχθηκαν δύο εργάτες της κατεστραμμένης πυρηνικής μονάδας της Φουκουσίμα, όπως ανακοίνωσε η Tepco. -
** ΑΡΦΑΡΑ Νο 1 ..... ΑΡΦΑΡΑ Δήμος (Νο 1 )- Ταξιδεύοντας στην Ελλάδα :
~* http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2008/11/blog-post.html .- : STAMOS-ARFARA-GREECE .-
** Αντιπολίτευση Δήμου Καλαμάτας
* Επιφυλάξεις για το υπόγειο πάρκινγκ
* Οι διαμαρτυρίες των δημοτικών παρατάξεων της αντιπολίτευσης, με τελευταία παρέμβαση αυτή του Θ. Μπρεδήμα, για την ανάγκη ενημέρωσής τους γύρω από το θέμα του υπόγειου πάρκινγκ και της υπό υπογραφή σύμβασης μεταξύ του Δήμου Καλαμάτας και της εταιρείας «Ελλάκτωρ», έπιασαν τόπο τελικά.
* Χθες το μεσημέρι, στο γραφείο του αρμόδιου αντιδημάρχου Χρ. Ριζά και παρουσία των αντιδημάρχων Αν. Καραγιάννη, Αθ. Ηλιόπουλου, του διευθυντή των Τεχνικών Υπηρεσιών Β. Τζαμουράνη και του μελετητή της ανάπλασης που θα γίνει στην περιοχή υπέργεια του χώρου κατασκευής του πάρκινγκ Παν. Νασόπουλου, έγινε μια πρώτη ενημέρωση των δημοτικών παρατάξεων.
** Ανάκτορο Νέστορα
* Θα συντηρηθεί με απόφαση του ΚΑΣ
* Ένα από τα σημαντικότερα μνημεία της μυκηναϊκής Ελλάδας, το ανάκτορο του Νέστορα στην Πύλο, πρόκειται να αναστηλωθεί. Κατά τη συνεδρίαση του Κεντρικού Αρχαιολογικού Συμβουλίου (ΚΑΣ), που έγινε την περασμένη Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου, τα μέλη του γνωμοδότησαν ομόφωνα υπέρ της μελέτης που εισηγήθηκε η Διεύθυνση Συντήρησης Αρχαίων και Νεότερων Μνημείων.
** Έτοιμοι για ληστεία ήταν δύο Αλβανοί
* Έτοιμοι για διάπραξη ληστείας ήταν δύο Αλβανοί, 23 και 24 ετών, οι οποίοι συνελήφθησαν από αστυνομικούς της Ασφάλειας Καλαμάτας προχθές μία ώρα μετά τα μεσάνυχτα. Οι αστυνομικοί προσπάθησαν να τους ελέγξουν σε δρόμο της Καλαμάτας και ενώ ο ένας σταμάτησε, ο άλλος τράπηκε σε φυγή, όμως έγινε αντιληπτός από τους αστυνομικούς που τον καταδίωξαν σε πολυκατοικία της περιοχής, όπου είχε κρυφτεί, και συνελήφθη.
** Μεσογειακή Διατροφή
* Εορταστικό τριήμερο στην Κορώνη
* Ένα εορταστικό τριήμερο Μεσογειακής Διατροφής, με αντιπροσωπείες από την Ισπανία, την Ιταλία και το Μαρόκο, θα λάβει χώρα από σήμερα έως και Κυριακή στην Κορώνη. Η Μεσογειακή Διατροφή έχει αναγνωριστεί ως Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά της Ανθρωπότητας από την UNESCO (Ναϊρόμπι Νοέμβριος 2010), μετά από κοινή πρωτοβουλία της Ελλάδας (Κορώνη), της Ισπανίας (Σορία), της Ιταλίας (Σιλέντο) και του Μαρόκου (Σέφσαουεν). -
** Μαραθόλακκα
* Σε νέο αδιέξοδο ο Δήμος σε 15 ημέρες που θα κλείσει
* Ενώ στην Υπηρεσία Καθαριότητας και ειδικότερα στην Επιτροπή Διαγωνισμού για την επεξεργασία των απορριμμάτων του Δήμου Καλαμάτας «ξεσκονίζουν» τους φακέλους των προτάσεων των τριών εταιρειών προκειμένου να φτάσουν στο καλύτερο δυνατό και αδιαμφισβήτητο αποτέλεσμα, στη Δημοτική Αρχή έχουν αρχίσει ήδη να σκέπτονται το χώρο επεξεργασίας ο οποίος θα αντικαταστήσει τη Μαραθόλακκα, όταν προκύψει ο ανάδοχος. -
** Yποτροφίες
* Από την οικογένεια του καπετάν Βασίλη
* Η Επιτροπή Υποτροφίας «Παν. Φωτέα» συνεδρίασε προχθές στο Διοικητήριο για τη διάθεση χορηγίας της οικογένειας στη μνήμη του καπετάν Βασίλη Κωνσταντακόπουλου. Ειδικότερα, αποφάσισε για τις υποτροφίες νεοεισαχθέντων φοιτητών ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2009-2010 σε Νομική Σχολή ελληνικού πανεπιστημίου.
** Πυροσβέστες
** «Ο Θεός να βάλει το χέρι του»
* Με τα χειρότερα χρώματα περιγράφει η Ένωση Αξιωματικών Πυροσβεστικού Σώματος την κατάσταση στην οποία βρίσκεται η Πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία κατά τη φετινή αντιπυρική περίοδο.
* Σύμφωνα με σχετική της ανακοίνωση, από τα 21 διαθέσιμα Canadair (CL215 και CL 415) μόνο τα 8 είναι σε ετοιμότητα. -
** Βαλύρα
* Διαδικασίες για σύσταση ΤΟΕΒ Αγίου Φλώρου
* Η καλή λειτουργία του Γενικού Οργανισμού Εγγείων Βελτιώσεων (ΓΟΕΒ) και η δημιουργία Τοπικού Οργανισμού Εγγείων Βελτιώσεων συζητήθηκαν προχθές, στις 9.30 το βράδυ, σε σύσκεψη στο παλιό Δημαρχείο της Βαλύρας.
* Τη σύσκεψη συγκάλεσε ο πρόεδρος της Τοπικής Κοινότητας Βαλύρας Κων. Γεωργακόπουλος, ο οποίος κάλεσε τους προέδρους των Τοπικών Κοινοτήτων και Αγροτικών Συνεταιρισμών της περιοχής του αντλιοστασίου του Αγίου Φλώρου – Σκάλας - Αγίου Φλώρου – Πλατέος – Αρφαρών – Ανεμόμυλου – Λάμπαινας – Αριστοδημείου, ενώ σε αυτή παρέστησαν και κάποιοι παραγωγοί.
** Δικαστικοί Υπαλλήλοι
* «Ανεβαίνουμε στην έδρα με πυρετό»
* Εβδομάδα δράσης των δικαστικών υπαλλήλων ξεκινά από τη Δευτέρα και, όπως έχει αποφασισθεί από την Ομοσπονδία Δικαστικών Υπαλλήλων, από 6 έως 10 Ιουνίου θα πραγματοποιούν (και στη Μεσσηνία) τρίωρες καθημερινές και επαναλαμβανόμενες στάσεις εργασίας σε όλες τις δικαστικές υπηρεσίες, από τις 12.00 το μεσημέρι έως τη λήξη του ωραρίου.
* Την Πέμπτη δε, 9 Ιουνίου, στο Σύλλογο Δικαστικών Υπαλλήλων του Πρωτοδικείου Καλαμάτας θα διεξαχθούν εκλογές για την ανάδειξη νέου Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου και αντιπροσώπων για την Ομοσπονδία (ΟΔΥΕ) και την ΑΔΕΔΥ.
** «Αγανακτισμένοι»
* Κινητοποίηση για 9η μέρα
* Εννέα ημέρες χθες μετά την πρεμιέρα της διαδήλωσης των αγανακτισμένων στην πλατεία 23ης Μαρτίου στην Καλαμάτα και το κίνημά τους επιμένει.
* Η καθημερινή παρουσία δεκάδων διαδηλωτών παραμένει σταθερή στην πλατεία, ενώ συνεχώς αυξάνονται οι πολίτες που θέλουν να λάβουν μέρος στη συγκεκριμένη διαμαρτυρία.
**Γειά σου stamos1
ο Billeclipse σου έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον πίνακα σου
Για να απαντήσεις στο μήνυμα του ακολούθα τον σύνδεσμο: * http://www.sync.gr/Billeclipse/ .-
** Γεια σας, Stamatios,Η Dina Gianakakos σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας.
Η Dina έγραψε: "Wrea foto ....!!!!!" : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2123173286015&set=a.1647414272337.2090668.1446349692&type=1 .-
* We describe the "nearest" stars as being 2,000 light "years" away; the light reaching us now left them back when humans were still fashioning flint arrowheads here on Earth. The span of the Milky Way is, similarly, 100 thousand light years across – again, a measurement of distance expressed as a measurement of time. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Many telescopes can allow us, on this basis, to see a distance reaching back 3,800 million years – to a point when the Universe was only a third of the age it is now. The very best can take us back to the beginning, and from this we know that the Universe has been expanding since it was formed more than 13 billion years ago.
Understanding what happened in between relies on a conception of space and time's indivisibility – which is roughly when things start to get a bit strange. At least, that's what happened when Gerry Gilmore, Professor of Experimental Philosophy at the University of Cambridge addressed his audience on the subject at the Hay Festival this week.
A thing, Gilmore stresses, is also defined by the space it occupies. "By saying there is `nothing here', I am saying that there is still a space and time here, even though there is nothing," he explained. So "nothing" is not the same as "not anything". "Not anything" only happens when you take the space and time away. "Once you get your head round that little distinction, you're away," Gilmore added.
One of the more remarkable things about the Hay Festival is that about 500 people will get up in time to drive to a 10am lecture, in a tent, in a fairly damp field, on a subject as baffling and perplexing as this. Clearly aware that not everyone is of the same disposition, mathematicians have given us the number zero to help us get the hang of the nothing/not anything distinction. Zero, sometimes misunderstood as the bottom of the numerical chain, is of course in the centre of it. On either side of zero, an endless string of positive and negative numbers stretch endlessly away.
The same thing happens in space. "Space is actually a fuzzy ball full of energy," Gilmore said. "You are sitting on chairs which you think are hard, but you know that if you look hard enough the chair is not a hard piece of plastic, but a bunch of molecules with large gaps between them." This continues as we delve ever further into the microscopic depths of any material until we reach quarks – most of any material is, in fact, nothing but a magnetic field of positive and negative energy.
All of space is like that – made up of stuff that's barely there. Between elementary particles there is nothing except space-time, a balance between positive and negative energy cancelling each other out. It is, effectively, therefore, balanced at the zero point between positive and negative. But locally, that means that within space-time a concentration of either positive or negative energy can exist. If you get a lot of this locally, it can cause a bang – a very big one. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
One such bang started our own Universe. Its beginning was therefore a small fluctuation in a sea of nothing, when the time equalled zero. The heat and debris that was produced following its explosion indicates that fast expansion followed.
Once it started to cool, however, an unexplained defect was revealed. What should have been half positive and half negative energy, or half matter and half anti-matter, turned out to have slightly disproportionate allocations of the two. There is, in fact, a one part in 1,000 excess of matter – so while most positive and negative particles met and cancelled each other out, forming heat and radiation, a small quantity formed into what we see around us. We are all the result of this defect.
It turns out that we are also a lot older than we think, at least in part. Most of this early matter initially turned into hydrogen – which means that the hydrogen making the water in our bodies is about 13.7 billion years old. The structure of the Universe then emerged as this matter fell into place, triggered by shockwaves created by the sound of the Big Bang, that caused it to pile up. Hydrogen, packed together at high temperatures, melted and formed into the next most stable elements in the Universe; helium, carbon and oxygen. These were cooked up inside stars.
"In a very real sense, we are all stardust," Gilmore said. "That's a nice way to think about yourself, as the product of that nuclear process. As my daughter tells her brother, however, `I'm stardust; you're nuclear waste'."
The study both of the expanse of space-time and the tiny, elementary particles which inhabit it, has since the last century allowed researchers to probe a strange, quantum world of anomalies where the traditional laws of physics no longer apply.
One of the early discoveries in this regard was that light behaves both as a particle and a wave. The duality was understood by James Clerk-Maxwell, when in the course of correcting equations for electro-magnetism he was able to show that magnetic fields and electric fields create one another on a mutual basis, and that light is a force that carries magnetic fields.
This does not answer the particle-wave paradox, but highlights the strangeness of the world researchers have unveiled. "The answer to whether light is a particle or a wave is fundamentally `yes'." Gilmore said. "Nature is telling us that there is not one single answer to the question. We can ask simple questions but that doesn't mean there will be simple answers. Nature actually appears to like mutually inconsistent answers to those questions."
As an experimental philosopher, Gilmore also takes the view that the moral to this unfinished story is one that stresses the need to make progress in our knowledge of what the Universe is through scientific experiment and observation. Nature appears abstruse, because it is offering us information without any right answers. This does not suit the way in which we like to process information, categorising things according to cultural context. "What we may be misunderstanding the most is the way our own minds work," he concluded. "The sort of answers science is producing about the Universe are simply not the answers we were expecting." http://venitism.blogspot.com/
* There is a conspiracy theory that Uncle Sam tries to hide ET, UFOs, and many paranormal phenomena! Ted Goertzel points out conspiracy theories are easy to propagate and difficult to refute. Having long flourished in politics and religion, they have also spread into science and medicine. It is useful to think of conspiracy theorizing as a meme, a cultural invention that passes from one mind to another and thrives, or declines, through a process analogous to genetic selection (Dawkins 1976). The conspiracy meme competes with other rhetorical memes, such as the fair debate meme, the scientific expertise meme, and the resistance to orthodoxy meme. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Goertzel notes the central logic of the conspiracy meme is to question, often on speculative grounds, everything the establishment says or does and to demand immediate, comprehensive, and convincing answers to all questions. Unconvincing answers are taken as proof of conspiratorial deception. When an alleged fact is debunked, the conspiracy meme often just replaces it with another fact. When the conspiracy meme is reinforced by a regular diet of alternative videos and one-sided literature, it can become a habitual way of thinking. People who believe in one conspiracy are more likely to believe in others.
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is a paranormal investigation television series produced by Base Productions that began airing July 15, 2010, on SyFy. The show follows a team of investigators, led by former FBI agent Ben Hansen, who review various photographs and viral videos, mainly from the internet, of alleged paranormal activity. If a particular piece of evidence is deemed intriguing enough to warrant further investigation, they set out to recreate and explain the sighting. But Karen Stollznow asserts the show's cast and producers are the ones doing the faking!
The investigative team consists of pseudoexperts who claim to have a background in paranormal research. There is Ben, the former FBI agent; Jael, the journalist; Austin, the stunt pseudoexpert; Chi-Lin, the photography pseudoexpert; Devin, the tech specialist; and Bill, the lead pseudoscientist.
Stollznow points out that for all of their supposed expertise, the team members' research methods are dubious. Their initial approach is to recreate anomalous phenomena, quite correctly, but then they proceed to recreate the phenomena badly, or they recreate irrelevant phenomena. They mistake scientific tools for the scientific method. They aren't familiar with basic principles of skepticism, such as Occam's razor and the axiom that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In their conclusions the unexplained becomes the inexplicable and they appeal to supernatural explanations over natural ones.
But determining whether footage is fact or faked still doesn't determine whether it's paranormal or not. Even if the phenomenon and filming is legitimate and not staged, that doesn't presuppose that what is captured is paranormal. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Stollznow notes that over the course of two seasons, the team has investigated claims of a ghost car, a haunted playground swing, UFOs, lake monsters, spirit writing, an anti-gravity spot, cattle mutilation, ectoplasm, Bigfoot and an alleged chupacabra. They use a wide range of cutting-edge paranormal reality TV equipment, including pocket radar, electromagnetic (EMF) meters, bionic ears and, most important, a scientific kit containing:
Safety eyewear, black Sharpies, black ink pens, reclosable bags, evidence envelopes, swab boxes, polypropylene screw cap evidence collection tubes, sterile cotton tip swabs, transfer pipettes, sterile water ampule, tongue depressors, evidence slide boxes, plastic disposable tweezers, and disposable blades.
In one episode, the team visits Fishers, Indiana, to investigate a phenomenon they've already decided is a "cemetery phantom." The "evidence" features footage of a bright light they call an "orb," examples of Electronic Voice Phenomena (recordings of alleged spirits), and increased EMF activity near the tombstone of a civil war soldier. The team devises some experiments to reproduce the effects, and because they can't reproduce the phenomena exactly, they theorize that the original video shows evidence of paranormal activity. They conclude that the film has captured either the "ghost of a civil war soldier" or a "ghost train" because the cemetery is located near a former railroad crossing.
Stollznow muses that what takes them thirty minutes to prove incorrectly takes one scientific paranormal investigator three minutes to disprove. Doctor Atlantis, aka Blake Smith, of the Monster Talk podcast examined the footage and the theories and produced his own video analysis. For all of the Fact or Faked team's elaborate tests and elaborate theories, they never once reviewed the clip in slow motion. In doing so as a first step, Smith revealed that the unearthly "train" was an earthly spider on a web. "Oh what a tangled web we weave…when we run around in the dark with video cameras," he concludes. On the show's online forums hundreds of viewers deduced that the footage captured a spider.
By Basil Venitis
With eyes of a deer
Those midgets come to me
Their purpose is not clear
Don't know how to flee.
No person would believe it
That I saw ET
Can't stand on my feet
Don't know how to flee.
God help me for a moment
I know I am not a freak
God show me some movement
Don't know how to flee.
What do ET want from me?
Why me, why me?
God show me some mercy
Don't know how to flee.
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** Γεια σας, Stamatios,
Η ΧΡΥΣΟΥΛΑ ΣΩΤΗΡΑΚΗ σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας.
Η ΧΡΥΣΟΥΛΑ έγραψε: "ΚΑΛΗΣΠΕΡΑ ΦΙΛΑΡΑΚΙ ΜΟΥ ...Σ' ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ ΠΟΛΥ....ΚΑΛΑ ΕΚΑΝΕΣ !!!" : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2123185606323&set=p.2123185606323&type=1 .-
* Alexandra Liddy points out that a diverse, market-based national energy portfolio of fuel sources allows the private sector and state and local leaders to effectively provide affordable electricity and transportation, attract jobs, and foster business growth and improved quality of life for families. Any comprehensive national energy policy that relies on, or mandates, a future of expensive and unreliable fuel sources threatens to make the current economy energy deficient and future generations indebted to foreign governments for decades. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Proposed international agreements for carbon-cap-and-trade schemes or carbon-dioxide regulations restrict Americans' own use of their country's resources and is tantamount to economic unilateral disarmament. Not only do carbon-cap-and-trade systems and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation of carbon dioxide raise energy prices, these practices are also detrimental to developing economies struggling to raise their own citizens out of poverty.
Vaclav Klaus points out people tend to confuse environment protection with climate control. We have to take care of our rivers, lakes, seas, forests, and air. But humans cannot control the climate. Rabblerousers have been for a long time searching for a simple and sufficiently threatening catastrophe that could justify the implementation of kleptocratic ambitions. After having tried various alternative ideas, they came up with the idea of dangerous, man-made global warming. This concept was formulated despite the absence of reliable data. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Liddy asserts state and local governments should allow power producers and consumers to determine pricing, technology deployment, and selection of fuels and supplies. State governments can and should audit their own properties and buildings for effective technologies, systems, surface treatment, and energy efficiency to save taxpayer money. Energy efficiency for government buildings should be determined by state and local governments, however, not by federal dictate. Beyond that, energy efficiency does not mean pitting one region of the country against another.
Consumer demand and competition between industries, retail businesses, and commercial enterprises are the real drivers of energy-efficient products. Federal energy policies that cap or restrict use of certain types of fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, or oil, under the auspices of environmental protection, limit the ability of the people in the states to determine the best means to fuel their own economies for manufacture, agriculture, trade, and other services. The truth is that government mandates are not a productive or sustainable alternative to free markets.
Liddy notes that restrictive legislation and environmental regulations that, in effect, levy taxes on the production of electricity or petroleum raise the cost of doing business for companies and the cost of living for consumers. Families not only pay the price at the fuel pump, thermostat, and grocery store, but bear the full cost of any taxes imposed on businesses by government regulators.
Lower-income families carry the biggest proportionate burden of these costs and struggle the most to make ends meet under regressive energy taxes. Most important, such restrictive policies that raise the cost of energy inhibit the financial freedom and spending power of families, enterprises, and communities. Ultimately, government-imposed costs for electricity harm West's international competitiveness for jobs and investment.
Klaus recalls that rabblerousers bought into the global warming dogma(WGD) at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, fell in love with it and – without waiting for its scientific underpinning – started preparing and implementing economically damaging and freedom endangering measures. They accepted the idea that participating in the global warming game is easy, politically correct and politically profitable, especially when it is obvious that they themselves will not carry the costs of the measures they are advocating and implementing and will not be responsible for their consequences.
West has an abundance of onshore and offshore energy resources that can enable the affordable transportation of goods, whether locally, regionally, or internationally. States set standards that allow the private sector to access, inventory, and develop fuel reserves off their coasts or under their land through private leasing. While the states should set standards for outside access to resources within their boundaries, private energy companies are best able to determine the most effective and affordable means of providing electricity and transportation fuels for local commerce and economic development.
Furthermore, the states should be able to share royalties from federal lease sales for the safe development of those reserves as established by precedent through the sale of Lease 181 in the Gulf of Mexico in 2006. Four Gulf of Mexico states receive 37.5 percent of the federal revenues generated by the lease sale. Restricting access to those affordable fuels leads to higher gasoline prices and electricity costs, which have a significant negative impact on job creation, transportation, and individual mobility. Such restricted access also unnecessarily increases dependence on imported oil. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
There are plenty of arguments indicating that the real threat is not global warming itself. The real threat comes when kleptocrats start playing with the climate and with all of us. Environmentalism and global warming alarmism ask for restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions, which would substantially increase the costs of energy. This would be devastating, because cheap energy is the source of much of our prosperity.
The Global Warming Dogma(GWD) asks for an almost unprecedented expansion of government intrusion into our lives and of government control over us. They tell us how to live, what to do, how to behave, what to consume, what to eat, how to travel, how to spend our holidays and many other things.
* Obama points out Uncle Sam(US) and Uncle Ken(UK)live in a global economy that is largely of their own making. And today, the competition for the best jobs and industries favors countries that are free-thinking and forward-looking; countries with the most creative and innovative and entrepreneurial citizens.
That gives nations like the United States and the United Kingdom an inherent advantage. For from Newton and Darwin to Edison and Einstein, from Alan Turing to Steve Jobs, we have led the world in our commitment to science and cutting-edge research, the discovery of new medicines and technologies. We educate our citizens and train our workers in the best colleges and universities on Earth. But to maintain this advantage in a world that's more competitive than ever, we will have to redouble our investments in science and engineering, and renew our national commitments to educating our workforces.
Uncle Sam and Uncle Ken do not have the corruption problems of Fourth Reich. Fourth Reich is an illegal confederation that has no voted constitution, a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a Fuehrer no one can name, a parliament of prostitutes, a capital of huge bureaucracy no one controls, a currency that soon will not exist, rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring, a commission which is the Eldorado of corruption, brutal cybercops, and kleptocrats galore! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Fourthreichian monetary unification is the Trojan horse for overall harmonization of economic rules, policies, and laws in Fourth Reich. Any eurozone problem is interpreted as a consequence of the lack of harmonization and leads to another wave of a creeping harmonization. Following every crisis meeting with Napoleon Sarko, Chancellor Merkel always declares that coordinating tax policies and labor laws is not just about currency issues but also about political cooperation, which has to be deepened. In other words, more enslavement to Brussels, transforming the confederation to a federation!
Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Fourth Reich(EU), an unvoted illegal confederation, cannot protect Europeans from Eurokleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats, and police brutes, especially Graecocybercops. Fourthreichian Premier Barroso condones the disgusting Graecokleptocrats who accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The freakish October-18 mafia robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen personal data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Obama notes that Uncle Sam and Uncle Ken recognize that no matter how responsibly we live in our lives, hard times or bad luck, a crippling illness or a layoff may strike any one of us. And so part of our common tradition has expressed itself in a conviction that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security -– health care if you get sick, unemployment insurance if you lose your job, a dignified retirement after a lifetime of hard work. That commitment to our citizens has also been the reason for our leadership in the world.
Obama asserts that having come through a terrible recession, our challenge is to meet these obligations while ensuring that we're not consuming -- and hence consumed with -- a level of debt that could sap the strength and vitality of our economies. And that will require difficult choices and it will require different paths for both of our countries. But we have faced such challenges before, and have always been able to balance the need for fiscal responsibility with the responsibilities we have to one another.
The debts of Uncle Sam and Uncle Ken are due to spending, whereas the debt of Cradle of Kleptocracy is due to political corruption. The impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though they looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! They are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Cradle of Kleptocracy: Greece
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Fourth Reich: European Union
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
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